Ethnical Literature
When we heard this term, maybe you could associate with Inuit people, for example. But this term gets in a group the aboriginal and different ethnics groups that live in Canada like Irish, Welsh and Scottish.
Ethnical literature has been written in English or French, even though its exponents are foreign people. The characteristics of this literature is the point of view that the Irish, Welsh or Scottish people contributed from their own reality, and it is like look Canada with the eyes of world.
By the other hand, in Inuit literature that was affected by the English, because of that the colonizers educated the aboriginal in religion, due to this the main text of Inuit are translations of the bible.
On the whole, the Indian literature treats about its mythology, legends, fables and fairy tales.
Otherwise the Irish, Welch and Scottish literature had a period where it was the mainstream in terms of its styles of write. An example, that it shows this literature were the “Canadian Ballads” which were written following the Irish ballads.
Oral literature
This type of literature is a kind of conserving the oral story of ethnical groups, the “Folklore”. For this reason, the main topic of this kind of text is the myths and legends about heroes. And, this kind of story can be a joke, proverbs or a rhyme, even lullabies, because it is a category that covers all of oral story.
Lullabies talk about a story which can be romantic or current life, though it is not necessary that the story related about an epic topic.
About the ethnical story, it is very focused in heroes. A myth that count the discovery of fire told that is attributed a hero called Nanabozo of the Ojiwa and another called Coyote of Salish’s tribe.
The oral literature has inspired many writers of North America with its style of creation in the same moment when you talk.
A property of oral literature is that, it passes for generations in oral form. An example; the myths and legends, that are related through oral form and they are passed over generation in tribes or communities for maintaining the spirit or essence of the root of the people.
In my opinion this literature or kind of story is very important, because it relates about the roots of tribes and origins of all in the world with its own point of view and with a sample of its reality, because of we think that is a culture like an identity.
In conclusion, Canada has passed for several styles and now it still maintains all of these styles in harmony. A bit of myth and legends, with a touch of romanticism and the point of view of Irish, Scottish and Welsh all of them created a mixture that is represent in the current texts.
Dionne, R., Literature in French, the Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved
Godard B., Oral literature, the Canadian
Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
New W.H., Literature in English, the Canadian
Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Palmer T. &
Rasporich B., Ethnic Literature, the Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved from