domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

About Canada

Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II (1952)
Prime Minister: Stephen Harper (since 2006)
Population (2009 est.): 33,759,742
Birth rate: 10.2/1000
Infant mortality rate: 4.9/1000;
Life expectancy: 81.3
Capital: Ottawa, Ontario, 1,142,700 (metro. area)

   Canada is located in North America and is larger than United States and has a variety topography; lakes like Superior and Huron, mountains and cultivable areas.

   The government consist in a federation of ten provinces, and has a Prime Minister that is a representative of the Queen Elizabeth II.

   Canada was taken for France in 1534 by Jacques Cartier, but the British arrive in 1670 and founded a cities because of they had conflicts. They were by 7 years in war until England obtained the control of the country through the Treaty of Paris.

   About history, beginning of 15th century Canada was converted in a British colony, when the British arrived to America in an expedition with the French, who formed part of the culture in Canada.

   In 1867, Canada with other North American colonies formed a confederation and started the process of independence. It was become reality when in 1931 Canada obtained its freedom of the Crown but keeping an alliance with British Crown and the Commonwealth, It was confirmed with the Statute of Westminster.

   Canada was the first colony obtained its independence.

   In Canada have a mixture of the elements from different cultures; British, French and aboriginal. The last one, who lived before other culture; Canada had several groups of aboriginal with diverse beliefs. The aborigine influence could be appreciated in the names of city and the same way in “Canada” that meaning “Settlement”. And, the French influence is visible in certain terms and names.

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